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PRP Therapy for Hair Loss in Nepal, Kathmandu, Cost, Side Effects

This is the most comprehensive article on the internet for those looking to find out about Platelets Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP Therapy or Vampire Facial) in Kathmandu, Nepal. This article discusses everything from PRP Therapy cost in Nepal to its effectiveness against hair loss.

Platelets Rich Plasma Therapy, also called PRP Therapy, is a remedy against hair loss or hair fall. In this treatment, a small amount of blood sample is taken from the patient themselves. The platelets in the blood are separated from other cells. The platelet sample is then injected into the scalp to create and stimulate new hair follicles.

Since platelets have hundreds of specialized proteins that include growth factors, they trigger natural hair growth and maintain it by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles and increasing thickness of the hair shaft.

After a few months, your hair will seem thicker and fuller than before. Numerous surveys done at different times with the patients who received PRP Therapy have shown that they were happy with the results and said their hair improved.

How does Platelets Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP treatment) work?

As said earlier, the platelets of our blood have growth-inducing properties for the hair. Thus, about 10ml of the patient’s own blood is taken. Since this is a small amount (fills a small test tube), this process should go smoothly.

The blood sample is then put in a centrifuge machine. The centrifuge separates platelets from other ingredients of the blood.

This concentrated sample of platelets is then appropriately injected into the scalp (the area of the head from where the hair grows) by your doctor.

Furthermore, at Alka Cosmetic and Dermatology, we also use a derma pen to do micro-needling. Microneedling is a procedure that uses small needles to prick the skin surface. Microneedling regenerates the health of the hair follicles. It is also believed that this procedure can result in new hair growth, or perhaps, at least thicken thinning hair.

We do this at Alka because PRP treatment has been proved to be more effective with complementary procedures like micro-needling.

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy injection

Does Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy have any side effects?

There have been no serious side effects of PRP treatment recorded so far. PRP is created using your body’s own regenerative blood factors, so there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

Nevertheless, your treatment provider will see if you have any problem with the anesthetic that is applied on the scalp before injecting the platelets.

After the procedure, people might feel a little bit of tightness and discomfort, but within 30 minutes it’s pretty much done.

Is PRP treatment a permanent solution to hair loss? When will Platelet-Rich Therapy bring results?

Unlike other hair-fall remedies, PRP is a simple non-surgical procedure. Its effectiveness has been recorded in numerous scientific researches.

In general, you will be given three sessions in an approximate span of a month. Then, the next series of sessions are needed for only about four to six months.

The exact schedule of your treatment plan might depend on factors like the amount of hair loss you’re dealing with, as well as your age, hormones, and genetic makeup. The simplest treatment procedure has three sessions in a span of three months.

PRP doesn’t deliver results immediately, so don’t expect to see a full head of hair the next morning. The first result that you’ll witness is decreased hair shedding, followed by early regrowth and increased hair length.

PRP Treatment in Kathmandu: Are PRP Hair Regrowth Treatments Trustworthy in Kathmandu, Nepal?

No matter where you do your PRP treatment in Nepal, know that there are plenty of dermatologists and related specialists who have studied and practiced intensively on the subject.

Luckily, the medical field has witnessed rapid advancement in Nepal, and we can get world-class treatments in our own hometown.

However, you should still do your research, and consult with a knowledgeable person to choose the right clinic for you.

We at Alka have been serving the lovely people of Kathmandu since 2012 A.D.

And your Botox procedure will be performed by the best hands we have, Dr. Rajan Tajhya.

Certified Dermatologist Dr. Rajan Tajhya
Dr. Rajan Tajhya

Dr. Rajan Babu Tajhya is a board-certified dermatologist and laser specialist. He completed his M.B.B.S. from Kathmandu University and Specialized Dermatology from Tribhuwan University in the year 2010 A.D.

Dr. Rajan Babu Tajhya keeps himself updated in the latest treatment procedures available in Dermatology. Our past clients frequently praise him for his calm personality and ethical treatment methodologies.

Dr. Tajhya has successfully done PRP treatments in the past for countless clients struggling with hair loss. Alka is proud to state that he has done all his treatments with due diligence and perfection.

Also Read: Botox Wrinkle Removal in Nepal Price, Is it Permanent? Does it Have Side Effects?

Is PRP Treatment to prevent and cure hair removal painful?

At Alka Cosmetic and Dermatology, we’ve had some patients go through it and it’s quick and over. However, the scalp is a sensitive area. This is why for most of us normal people, PRP treatment might hurt a bit.

However, the bright part is that PRP treatment has little downtime, which means that after about an hour or so, you can go on with your usual routine. However, avoid hair-coloring, hair-washing, and scalp massage for the next 48 hours. After that, you are free to live your own life the way you like.

How much will PRP Treatment cost in Kathmandu? What is the usual price for Platelet-Rich Therapy (PRP Treatment) in Nepal?

Compared to other hair-fall remedies, Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy falls in the intermediate range when it comes to pricing.

If you are looking forward to getting a PRP treatment in Kathmandu, Nepal, the entire package with PRP treatment and micro-needling cost only Rs. 4000. Meanwhile, if you only take micro-needling, it’ll cost you Rs 2500.

Alka Cosmetic and Dermatology’s primary focus is to always cater to the needs of its clients, i.e. to serve you in the best way.

With your best interests in consideration, here are our prices:

PRP Treatment cost in Nepal

Where to get started and solve my hair loss problem as soon as possible?

We will be more than happy to receive your call at 9813903982.

You can also reach out to us via our Facebook page and Instagram page.

prp treatment in kathmandu, nepal, cost